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Spin The Record

September 23, 2003

After two near-misses, I finally won the NFL pool here at work this week. I needed the Broncos to win and the combined score to be 38 or more (it was 41). However, my success in predicting games has whipped people into a frenzy. I've moved from being the new guy to being the new guy who's good at NFL picks. If I'm in the running again this week, I might find myself permanently barred from competing.

My Hustlers finally picked up a win, though at 1-2 the team isn't finding the success of last year's squad. At this point I'm hoping for a playoff berth more than anything. I've made the playoffs in all 9 of my previous seasons; if I get 10 straight, that would give me the outright record for most consecutive playoffs appearances (Brook Gardiner with 9 straight from 1992-2000 is tied with me currently). And, yes, I'm taking all of this way too seriously.

I felt like Flounder from Animal House yesterday when I went in and ordered 1,000 postcard stamps from the Post Office. But with the new BTLS postcard campaign, I needed them. And the past two days I've spent all sorts of time sticking stamps and labels on postcards...

California's recall election is back on for October 7th. Like Bubba said, they're making a mockery of a mockery. It will be very interesting to see how it plays out in the next two weeks.

Thanks to my bro Matt for giving me the heads-up about my Neon's super-fast blinker being caused by having a tail light out. I managed to replace the bulb myself tonight, and it's working like a charm. Unfortunately, now the AC is only blowing warm air. Easy come, easy go.

Digital Cameras
There are many types of digital cameras out there.

I've been contemplating purchasing a digital camera. There are a number of varities and prices out there, and I need to do some homework to find the best choice.

My attempts last night to remove the cover from my old Packard Bell computer were unsuccessful. Unlike my Dell, which is designed for easy access, the PacBell is not exactly designed for convienant opening. If I can get the hard drive out of there, I should be able to dub over its contents to my new drive. Then perhaps I can sell the old computer (which still works fine) and get enough cash to pay for the digital camera. Not a bad idea, eh?

The next road trip I make will likely be Halloween weekend, as I head up to Nashville for my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. It'll be great; I'll get to see the Father Ryan Homecoming Game at Vanderbilt Stadium on Friday night and see my sister Mary Beth perform in the band. Then on Saturday we'll have the big 60th anniversary celebration. Should be great...

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