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October 10, 2003

This morning Bubba The Love Sponge referenced on his show the story I told him (from March 2002) when the Executive Meddler told me "Don't make Bubba a hero!" when I was writing scripts about the hog trial. If you think this website is a pain in her ass, with people getting plenty of material to laugh about at the station, now she's within the radar a much bigger enemy. Glad you're feeling good. Keep on tormenting those you supervise and see what happens.

I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but "Ned's rider" is well worth reading. It's a hilarious list of requirements for having Nedly Mandingo appear for two hours at an event. If you listen to the show, you'll probably get the humor. If not, well who knows...

WB 38
Tampa Bay's WB 38 (WTTA-TV) is trying to build a news audience.

Bay News 9 has finally smarted up and put the gorgeous Jen Holloway on billboards around town. It's the only time I've seen the Tampa Bay cable-only station actually promote an on-air personality. Also, WB 38 has some hilarious radio spots that run during Phil Hendrie talking about how "the competition has struck out" with its 10 PM news (a reference to Fox 13's 10 PM news being pre-empted by Major League Baseball). The spot includes fans booing and is actually quite funny. Unfortunately for WB 38, a news-on-the-cheap method will probably have a most difficult time building an audience in this news-saturated market.

Andy Pettite and the Yankees came through in a major way last night in the Bronx. The Yanks and Red Sox are now tied 1-1, building up to a potential instant classic of Pedro Martinez vs. Roger Clemens. This is the best of baseball right here.

Meanwhile, Miami is out for this weekend... but I will be intently watching the Cubs/Marlins series. Most traditionalists are certainly pulling for the Cubs, though I selfishly hope for Florida to pull it out and avail me an opportunity to see the Yankees in the World Series (which would be a dream opportunity) or the Red Sox (same deal, only this time I'd be cheering hard for the Marlins). Due to the AL winning the All-Star game, either the Yankees or Red Sox will have home field advantage in the World Series. But the flip-side is that if Florida wins, it means that the Marlins will almost for sure host three games (unless there's a sweep). That's three chances to see history in the making in person.

Ron Zook
Ron Zook is facing some criticism as the head football coach at the University of Florida.

Another fun sports event that's going on in Florida this weekend is the Miami/Florida State game. That should be a fun one for the folks in Tallahassee. Miami sure has their back up against the wall... Meanwhile, the Florida Gators face a brutal stretch with three straight Top 10 teams on the docket. First out of the blocks is LSU... good luck, Zook. You'll need it.

The new season of Survivor on CBS is actually pretty interesting. I kind of burned out on the series when they ran them too close together. But with a bit of a break, I'm enjoying the character development of this season. I'm sure it's a collosal challenge for the crew to keep things fresh and different without straying too much from the initial premise of the program.

In my NCAA Football 2004 franchise mode, it's now the year 2010 and Connecticut has replaced Clemson in the ACC. No more BCS snubbings for me. I have UConn up from one star to four stars, and it didn't hurt that I recruited the top QB in the country (who has a rating of 84 as a true freshman and incredible speed). Even when defenses play Cover 2 and spy my QB with a linebacker, I've been able to scramble for first downs. Like most aspects of the game, NCAA 2004 won't let you overuse one particular offensive approach. But a 9 yard run from your QB sure comes in handy on 3rd and 7.

Also fun is playing a season mode of WWE: Shut Your Mouth with all circa 1990 characters. Bret Hart and Rick Rude in a violent feud? You've got it. Much like the rosters on NCAA 2004, the created wrestlers you can download via X-Port for WWE: SYM really adds alot to the game.

In other pseudo-sports news, there's a big showdown brewing this weekend as my 3-2 Tampa Bay Hustlers travel to Washington, DC to face the 4-1 Capital Punishers. The Punishers have the most dominant roster in the league at this point, and it won't be an easy game. At all.

I hope to decide for sure on the whole digital camera thing soon. I'm leaning very strongly toward the Canon Powershot A70. I want something that's light but sturdy, with good pixel resolution but without a massive price tag. The A70 seems to fit all of those criteria.

Random linguistic note: did you realize that the word criteria is actually the plural for criterion? And that agenda is actually the plural of agendum? Me either, until just now. It's amazing what happens when you visit

In the latest example of frivolous ligitation, a couple involved in an accident with a drunk driver (where their daughter was paralyzed) is suing the NFL because the drunk driver drank at the football game. Whatever happened to individual responsibility? The guy should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, no question. But suing the NFL? Please. We really need a "loser pays" litigation system, much like what they have in England...

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