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April 14, 2003

Part two of the Starkville story should be on here tomorrow. But I'm dead exhausted right about now, and really not up to snuff to punch that out.

Today is my brother Matt's 22nd birthday. It was tremendous getting a chance to spend the weekend with him, as it usually is. We think on a very similar wavelength, where we'll both have the same clever thing to say and it's a toss-up who will spout the "Fries, pie, large coffee, pronto" or whatever phrase the moment might command first.

Matt has so many positive things going for him. He manages to be stylish yet down-to-earth; he's funny without being malicious; he's strong-willed but respectful. Plus he stole my pigment. He spent four hours out in the sun at the pool on Friday without sunscreen, and he'll tan. I was there for 10 minutes before I got in the shade and my head is peeling right now.

But what really separates Matt and gives him unlimited potential is his ability to blend into just about any situation. He can hold an intelligent conversation about calculus-based engineering courses just as well as he can throw down some coldbeer with the guys. And when he and I are in the same town at the same time... well fun craziness usually ensues. More on that tomorrow. Happy b-day bro...

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