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March 26, 2007

Early this evening I was resting on my bed, listening to my Sirius radio, when my Verizon cell phone rang. At this point not that many people have the number. I looked at the ID on the call -- it was from home.

My Mom was on the other end, and I detected from her tone that something was wrong. "Have you heard about your Uncle Wayne?" she asked in a voice that implied that the answer was not one I wanted to hear. The answer was no; so she filled me in on what happened -- my uncle Wayne Barnes had finally lost his battle with cancer.

Wayne was at my Grandma Pickney's funeral in January, which turned out to be the last time I saw him. For my Aunt Judy (the oldest of eight children on my Dad's side of the family) this had to be especially difficult, losing her husband less than two months after losing her mother.

My plan (as it is now) is to travel to Nashville on Wednesday morning, attend the receiving of friends on Wednesday evening, and then go to the funeral before driving back to Alabaster, where I have to be at work on Friday (Sean, the incoming manager for the market, will be at the AOWA show that day.)

While I never had the chance to spend a great deal of time around my Uncle Wayne, his son Michael Barnes was one of my closest cousins... before a car wreck claimed his life at the age of 16 in 1998. I thought of Michael when I heard about Wayne tonight, and I felt even sadder. Dealing with death is never an easy thing for me to handle.

Rest in peace, Uncle Wayne.

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