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Grilled Chicken

March 6, 2005

"When you don't do the job right, you don't get paid!"
-"Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, Fall 1987

Thursday was the last day at work for Scott Keene. As a send-off, we all went out to lunch at Johnny Corino's, a self-proclaimed "Country Italian" restaurant that I've been to a time or two. I had the grilled chicken caesar salad, which was delicious. Unfortunately it was good enough that I'll need to give it some time before I go to Burger King for its version of the grilled chicken caesar salad (where "grilled" is substituted by "microwaved").

I know that I've raved about it on here before, but if you're not watching Lost on ABC, you're missing out on the best show on free TV. Thursday night's episode was yet another strong outing for the program.

Speaking of great shows, tonight will bring on the debut of season two of HBO's Deadwood. To say that I'm supremely excited about that would be a drastic understatement.

Spring training is underway, which for Major League Baseball fans is an exciting thing. And for Tampa Bay Devil Rays fans... well, poor Rays fans have suffered through some tough times. The St. Pete Times has an outstanding article in today's paper about why the team has struggled, both on the field and at the box office. Click here to read it.

That's all for now, but I hope to have more tomorrow.

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